Be Productive on World Productivity Day



Are you a professional procrastinator, or just an occasional slacker? Either way we’ve all experienced those days (usually a Monday or Friday) when your productivity levels seem to slip.

There are many things that can have an effect on our productivity, from lack of sleep to a lack of exercise, whatever the reason it can be hard to get back on track.

If you’re feeling the need to get more done in your day, then follow our tips to get you back on the road to productivity! Just in time for World Productivity Day, which falls on the 20th June:

Get some sleep

Did you know that as little as 1.5 hours of lost sleep can result in a 32% decrease in daytime alertness? Make sure you’re getting enough rest. If it’s a stressful workload stopping you from switching off at night, why not try outsourcing?

For your client cash accounting look no further than CFP solutions, our outsourced client cash accounting service, which works by taking responsibility for inputting accounting transactions into your CFPwinMan property management software on your behalf.

Stop Multitasking

Frequently switching between mental tasks can cause a productivity drop of 40%. Try focusing on one task at a time and find ways to save time on lengthy jobs. CFP software can give you that vital edge, enabling you to save time, streamline processes and grow your agency. Taking the pressure off you.

Avoid Social Media… Unless it’s for business

There are so many distractions online, from social media accounts to our favourite blogs. Make sure that when you’re taking a break from your daily tasks you’re using your time productively, try checking industry related blogs or tweeting your favourite property software company (@CFPSoftware) from your business account.

Take a break
86% of employees polled by Staples agree taking breaks makes them more productive, but more than 25% don’t take any breaks other than lunch. Make sure you’re taking a break and try going for a walk away from your desk. Feel like you don’t have enough time in the day to take a break? As we’ve already mentioned CFP software has many fantastic time saving features, freeing up more of your time.

Try our top tips and we guarantee you will be feeling more productive and ticking things off your to do list in no time. For more information on CFP software or a demonstration please call  08446 626 465